Artykuł główny

Penetration testing (PT), also known as pen testing, is the practice of testing a computer system, network or web application to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers. The main goal of penetration testing is to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in order to assess the security of the system. Penetration testing is often performed by a third-party security company, which hires security experts to attempt to break into the system under test. These experts use a variety of methods, including scanning for open ports and attempting to exploit known vulnerabilities. They may also attempt to find and exploit unknown vulnerabilities, which is known as “zero day” exploitation. Penetration testing can be used to assess the security of a system before it is put into use, or to identify vulnerabilities that may be exploited by hackers. It can also be used to test the security of a system that has already been breached. Penetration testing is a valuable tool for assessing the security of a system, but it should not be used as the only means of assessing security. It is important to remember that penetration testing can only identify vulnerabilities that are known to the testers. There is always the possibility that a vulnerability may not be discovered during the testing process.

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